Whether you need to see a doctor, a nurse prescriber for repeat prescriptions or chat with a nurse, we can help.
Make an appointment
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 8.00am – 5.00pm
Phone: 111
or visit Nelson Hospital Emergency Department
After hours
Nelson Medical and Injury Centre
98 Waimea Road,
Nelson (8am – 10pm)
Phone: 03 546 8881 (24 hrs)
GP Consultations

Standard consultations are 15 mins which generally allows enough time to discuss one health concern.
Please book a double appointment if you wish to discuss multiple matters.
Consultations can be over the phone if required.
Please utilise booking appointments on Manage My Health. Where possible call the clinic if you wish to book an appointment for another family member.

Nurse Prescriber
Katy, our nurse prescriber, can help with a range of your health needs including renewal of scripts for repeat medications, routine medication reviews, urinary tract infections, wound infections, coughs/ colds, asthma reviews, contraception reviews, and school sores.
A standard appointment is 20 minutes with Katy.
Note: Booking with Katy cannot presently be done on Manage My Health so please call reception to book with her.

Practice Nurses
Our team of nurses can help with a wide range of patient needs. Be it wound care, smoking cessation advice, lifestyle advice, smears, vaccinations, diabetic reviews, IV infusion therapies, some blood tests, or ECGs. Standard nurse appointments are 15 minutes in length. You can book a phone consultation for results or advice, or you can book a face-to-face appointment. Please advise reception when booking if you wish for a nurse appointment.
Note: Nurse appointments can not be booked on Manage My Health.
Home Visits
From time to time, doctors may be available for home visits. If you would like to discuss a home visit, please phone the practice as early as possible and our team will try to accommodate the request. However, depending on the availability of the doctor same day requests may not be possible.
Rest Homes
We do regular visits and medication review for our rest home patients. If there’s a need for a patient to be visited due to illness, we would usually liaise with the rest home nurses and then advise a plan and arrange time for visit. If a family member wishes to discuss a health matter regarding a rest home patient, then booking a consultation with the GP during their normal clinic hours is best. Phone reception to book.
Standard appointments
Standard appointments with the doctors and nurses are 15 minutes. Please book a double appointment if you wish to discuss multiple health matters
Missed or late appointments
Missed or late appointments policy (click to PDF link).
Please note
- There is a charge for missed appointments.
- Please give 24 hours notice by phone if you need to cancel an appointment.
- You may be charged if you cancel an appointment at short notice.
Want to make an appointment?
If you want to make an appointment with one of our doctors you can phone us or book via Manage My Health.